"FreeImages.co.uk is an online free stock photo resource for use by DTP designers, graphic artists and web designer / webmasters.
Users may not redistribute the images as a collection or part of. It is mandatory for users to link back to the site if they use the images."
The FreeImages collection (or parts of) is available for distribution on magazine cover disk, websites or other medium (right to refuse reserved) - strict terms apply (tailored for each individual case), email for more details of terms. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES redistribute images without contacting FreeImages.co.uk and receiving authority.
Linking Info - Banners and URLs
Description of Freeimages: Freeimages - an online library of more than 16,000 stock images. Photographed for creative, personal and commercial use, on the web or in print. Easy, free download from our website - all we ask is that you join the mailing list and credit us as the image source.
Detailed Description: www.freeimages.co.uk is a resource of more than 16,000 royalty free stock images for use in websites and graphic designs. All of our images are 100% free for you to use in designs, art/craft or publications, provided that you link or credit freeimages where the image is used. The site also features design tips and ideas and a small but growing collection of video tutorials. We host a useful range of image subjects including business, finance, travel, food, technology and medical categories. Users have placed freeimages on CD and DVD covers, flash games and mobile phone skins, created gifts with the images, and used them on at least 15,000 different websites.